About Us
Organizational Status
The Interfaith Coalition Building Blocks for Wilmington (ICBBW) is incorporated as a non-profit
corporation and has received it's 501(c)(3) tax exemption status from the IRS. We have an approved a set of Bylaws and an established a Board of
Directors. We have received several foundation, State government and congregational grants and are actively seeking
additional funding for our programs and initiatives. Click here for a copy of our Bylaws (.pdf)
There is a great deal of work to do to bring about the positive change that we envision. We have made
great strides, yet much more needs to be done. We encourage you to read to share your comments and reflections with us. As always, we invite you to join us at our
meetings and to check back to this website often for updates and ways to get involved.
Board of Directors
Rev. Paula A. Maiorano, Center for Relational
Co- Chair:
Donald Morton, Perfected Life Church
Secretary: Rob
Gurnee, Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew
Rev. Patricia Downing, Trinity Episcopal Church
Member at Large: Mercedes M.
Fields, Hicks Anderson Community Center
  The Rev. Juan George, Trinity Episcopal
Imam Al Hajj Umar K. Hassan EL, Masjid Al Kauthar
Steering Committee
The ICBBW has had the benefit of a dedicated group of individuals on its Steering Committee that
have guided its formation and development to date. It includes all Board members as well as the following individuals:
La Vaida Owens-White |
Member Christ Our King Catholic Church |
Yvonne Bunch |
Dept of Services for Children, Youth and their Families |
Apostle John Graham |
Pastor, Temple United Church |
Rev. Al Holden |
Pastor, New Pentecostal United Holy Church |
Chris Dolley |
William Hicks Anderson Community Center |
Jo Klinge |
Trinity Episcopal Church |
Ed Klinge |
Former Interfaith Coalition Chair |
Community-wide input
The ICBBW has also drawn upon insights gathered from monthly forums with youth, residents, faith and community leaders, service providers and government officials; consultations with national and local experts; and participation in Wilmington's Hope Commission and its faith-based and Hope Outreach Worker subcommittees.
Organizations attending ICBBW meetings
- First and Central Presbyterian Church
- Tabernacle Full Gospel Baptist Church
- The New Pentecostal UHC
- Christ Church Christiana Hundred
- Trinity Episcopal Church
- Temple United Church
- Spirit of Life Lutheran Church
- Cathedral Chruch of Saint John
- Christ our King Church
- Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew
- St. Paul's Catholic Church
- Aldersgate United Methodist Church
- Atonement Methodist Church
- Hanover Street Presbyterian Church
- Westminster Presbyterian Church
- Grace United Methodist Church
- Shiloh Baptist Church
- Congregation Beth Shalom
- WD Mohamed Dawah Committee
- Masjid al Kauthar Muslim Center of Wilmington
- Interdenominational Ministers Action Council (IMAC)
- Connections Community Support Programs, Inc.
- Stand for Children
- Children's Defense Fund
- Churches Take a Corner (CTAC)
- Delaware Office of Prevention and Early Intervention
- Latin American Community Center
- William "Hicks" Anderson Community Center
- Cool Spring Neighborhood Association
- United Way of Delaware
- University of Delaware
- Neighborhood House
- Motivational Center
- YWCA Home-Life Management
- Interfaith Community Housing of Delaware
- Cool Spring Neighborhood Association
- United Way of Delaware
- University of Delaware
- Neighborhood House
- Motivational Center
- YWCA Home-Life Management
- Interfaith Community Housing of Delaware
- The Search Institute
- Department of Correction
- Sojourners Place
- Metropolitan Wilmington Urban league
- Ministry of Caring
- Friendship House
- T.A.L.K. Associates
- Success Center
- Delaware Futures
- Urban Promise
- The Wellness Community
- Knoble Players Inc.
- Stop the Violence Coalition
- New Castle County Council
- Wilmington Enterprise Community Inc.
- Incite Solutions, Inc.
- The Wilmington Hope Commission
- Nonprofit Development Institute
- The Lion of Judah Nonprofit
- Wilmington City Council
- Hilltop Lutheran Neighborhood Center
- Wilmington Police Department